Widget Studio Enters Beta Rollout
The most advanced custom widget designer is ready to get in your hands
It’s with immense pleasure that I tell you that the last piece of code that will mark the beginning of the beta testing stage has been published in production.
In the next few days I’ll submit a version of SuperWidget containing the awaited Widget Studio. I spent the past month perfecting it and adding all the controls you would expect from such feature.
This is only the beginning and you can expect that every new update will add something new to the Widget Studio editor, so you can create even the most complex designs for your creations.
Since I’m sure you love to see further sneak peeks, here’s a demo of the finished product.
For all you Plus members: we’re finally there!
Thanks for your trust and I will love to hear feedbacks from all of you to make SuperWidget the definitive app for creating custom widgets.